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Welcome to my personal web site.
I am a historian of science working at the Department for the History and Philosophy of Science and the Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT), at the University of Lisbon

Here you'll find some information on my researchpapers, books and other topics.


February 2022

A Biblioteca Erudita de Campolide_Capa.jpg

A Biblioteca Erudita de Campolide is a book on the most significant Jesuit library in modern Portugal.

The book comprises a long essay on Jesuit librarianship and the library of the College of Campolide, a catalog of the extant books at the Portuguese National Library, and the transcription of relevant primary sources.


The book can be ordered here


Recent speaking engagements

1 October 2020

«A  Inquisição e a censura de obras de ciência em Portugal». Ciclo de Conferências Literatura e Ciência. FSCH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa.

18 June 2020

«Das cecídias à Brotéria: A obra científica de Joaquim da Silva Tavares». Seminário de História dos Jesuítas. Brotéria. Lisboa.

5 May 2020

«Os jesuítas e as ciências naturais em Portugal (1858–1910)». Ciclo de Conferências Vídeo Aberto. Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos, Universidade de Coimbra. (Webinar).

8 July 2020

«Jesuits  and the Book of Nature». Book Launch of Jesuits and the Book of Nature: Science and Education in Modern Portugal (Leiden: Brill, 2019). Interview by Nuno Castel-Branco. BSHS Global Digital History of Science Festival. (Webinar). More information here.

Watch a replay of the book launch here.

20 November 2019

«The Book of Nature and the Prestige of Science: The Restored Society of Jesus in Portugal».Jesuit Studies Café. Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies. Boston College. Boston, MA. More information here.

13 June 2019

«Jesuit Science in America (1922–1966): The Bulletin of the American Association of Jesuit Scientists». International Symposium on Jesuit Studies. Enganging Sources: The Tradition and the Future of Collecting History in the Society of Jesus. Boston College. Boston. More information here.

March 2020


Annals of Science has just published online a Special Issue on The Inquisition and the Censorship of Science in Early Modern Europe.

This issue comprises six research articles, an introduction and a final commentary.

The printed volume is already available.

September 2019

Jesuits and the Book of Nature FMR 2019.

Jesuits and the Book of Nature: Science and Education in Modern Portugal offers an account of the Jesuits’ contributions to science and education after the restoration of the Society of Jesus in Portugal in 1858.


In this book, I argue that the priority the Jesuits placed on the teaching and practice of science was not only a way of continuing a centennial tradition but should also be seen as response to the adverse anticlerical milieu in which the restoration of the Society of Jesus took place.


October 2018


This is an illustrated history of the Portuguese Jesuits after the 1759 expulsion by the Marquis of Pombal. The book includes about 260 unknown photographs of Jesuit colleges in nineteenth and twentieth-century Portugal.

Aura Miguel conducted an interview at Rádio Renascença (in Portuguese).


© 2021 Francisco Malta Romeiras

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