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Here you can find a selection of research articles and books reviews. For a full list see my profile at Google Scholar or

History and Philosophy of Science

Research articles

"Physiognomy, Complexion, and Ingenuity: The Management of Talent in the Society of Jesus, 1540–1773," Early Science and Medicine 30 (2025): 59–104. [With ísLu íCampos Ribeiro and Elisa Frei]. Link.

"The Portuguese Indipetae and the Recruitment of Jesuit Missionaries for the Indies in the Portuguese Assistancy, 1540–1759," Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 186 (2024): 219–266. Full text (PDF).

"Singularidades de um feiticeiro dissimulado: O fingimento e os sortilegia de Francisco Barbosa (1608–1610)," Lusitania Sacra 49 (2024): 31–57. Full text (PDF).

"Forbidden Books and Royal Horoscopes: The Practice and Censorship of Astrology in Early Modern Portugal," Early Science and Medicine 29 (2024): 52–88. [with Luís Campos Ribeiro]. Link.

"Researching the Modern Jesuit Library: A Case Study from Portugal’s Campolide Library," Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 182 (2022): 495–540. Full text (PDF).

"Jesuit Science in America (1922–1966): The Bulletin of the American Association of Jesuit Scientists," in Engaging Sources: The Tradition and the Future of Collecting History in the Society of Jesus, ed. Cristiano Casalini, Emanuele Colombo, Seth Meehan (Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2021) DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.24. Full text (PDF).

"The Inquisition and the Censorship of Science in Early Modern Europe: Introduction," Annals of Science 77 (2020): 1–9. DOI: 10.1080/00033790.2020.1725317. Link.

"Putting the Indices into Practice: Censoring Science in Early Modern Portugal," Annals of Science 77 (2020): 71–95. DOI: 10.1080/00033790.2020.1714295. Link.

"Brotéria and the Popularization of Science, Technology and Medicine in Portugal, 1907–24," Journal of Jesuit Studies 7 (2020): 221–243. DOI: 10.1163/22141332-00702005. Link. (open-access)

"De Brotero à Brotéria: A história de uma homenagem centenária," Brotéria 190 (2020): 68–80. Full text (PDF).

"Francisco Saldanha da Gama: the Last Visitor of the Portuguese Assistancy," in With Eyes and Ears Open:  The Role of the Visitor in the Society of Jesus, ed.  Thomas McCoog (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 172–190. DOI: 10.1163/97890004394841_009. Link.

"For the Greater Credibility: Jesuit Science and Education in Modern Portugal (1858–2002)," History of Science 56 (2018): 97–119. DOI: 10.1177/0073275317738599. Link.

"Os colégios dos jesuítas e o ensino da física em Portugal (1858–1910)," Gazeta de Física 40 (2017): 2–9. Full text (PDF).

"Jesuit Historiography in Modern Portugal," in Jesuit Historiography Online, ed. Robert A. Maryks (Leiden: Brill, 2016). DOI: 10.1163/2468-7723_jho_COM_192570. Link. (open-access)

"One Century of Science: The Jesuit Journal Brotéria (1902-2002)", in Exploring Jesuit Distinctiveness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ways of Proceeding within the Society of Jesus, ed. Robert A. Maryks (Leiden: Brill, 2016), 235–258. [with Henrique Leitão]. Link. (open-access)

"Constituição e percurso das colecções científicas dos jesuitas exilados pela 1ª República: o caso de Carlos Zimmermann SJ (1871-1950)," Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 168 (2015): 287–327. Full text (PDF).

"The Role of Science in the History of Portuguese Anti-Jesuitism," Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015): 77–99. [with Henrique Leitão]. Link.(open-access)

"A Ciência da Companhia de Jesus nos séculos XIX e XX em Portugal," Brotéria 179 (2014): 429–454. Full text (PDF).

"The Emergence of Molecular Genetics in Portugal: The Enterprise of Luís Archer S.J.," Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 164 ( 2013): 501–512. Full text (PDF).

Book reviews

"Review of Companhia de Jesus: O breve regresso no reinado de D. Miguel, by Francisca Branco Veiga", Archichum Historicum Societatis Iesu 184 (2023): 611–615. Full text (PDF).

"Review of Res Sinicae. Pessoas, papéis e intercâmbios culturais entre a Europa e a China (1600–1800), edited by Arnaldo do Espírito Santo, Cristina Costa Gomes and Enrique Rodrigues-Moura," Journal of Jesuit Studies 10: 711–714. DOI:10.1163/22141332-10040010-04. Link. (open access).


"Review of Teologia e ciência em diálogo. Análise da trilogia A Scientific Theology de Alister E. McGrath, by Tiago de Quadro Esteves," Brotéria 195 (2022): 322–323. Full text (PDF).


"Review of Visto de Coimbra: O Colégio de Jesus entre Portugal e o Mundo edited by Carlota Simões, Margarida Miranda and Pedro Casaleiro", Archichum Historicum Societatis Iesu 181 (2022): 365–368. Full text (PDF).

"Review of Maximilianus Sandæus, un jésuite entre mystique et symbolique, edited by Ralph Dekoninck and Agnès Guiderdoni," Renaissance Quarterly 74 (2021): 1368–1369. DOI: 10.1017/rqx.2021.267. Link.

"Review of The Iberian World, 1450–1820, edited by Fernando Bouza, Pedro Cardim and Antonio Feros," Journal of Jesuit Studies 8 (2021): 137–140. DOI:10.1163/22141332-0801P006-12. Link. (open access).

​"Review of O Abismo de Fogo. O Grande Terramoto de Lisboa ou Apocalipse na Idade da Ciência e da Razão, by Mark Molesky," Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 178 (2020): 633–637. Full text (PDF).


"Review of Copernicus Banned. The Entangled Matter of the anti-Copernican Decree of 1616, edited by Natacha Fabbri and Federica Favino," Isis 111 (2020): 172–173. DOI: 10.1086/707634. Link.


"Review of Portuguese Jews, New Christians, and ‘New Jews’. A Tribute to Roberto Bachmann, edited by Claude B. Stuczynski and Bruno Feitler," Journal of Jesuit Studies 6 (2): 352–354. DOI:10.1163/22141332-00602008-11. Link. (open access).

"Review of Pious Postmortems: Anatomy, Sanctity, and the Catholic Church in Early Modern Europe,by Bradford Bouley" Isis 110 (2019): 399–400. DOI: 10.1086/703648. Link.

"Review of Guerra aos Jesuítas. A propaganda antijesuítica do marquês de Pombal em Portugal e na Europa, by Christine Vogel" Journal of Jesuit Studies 5 (2018): 171–173. Link(open access)

"Review of Jesuítas, construtores da globalização, by Carlos Fiolhais and José Eduardo Franco"  Journal of Jesuit Studies 5 (2018): 168–170. Link. (open access).

"Review of Entre a caridade e a ciência: A prática missionária e científica da Companhia de Jesus (América Platina, séculos XVII e XVIII), by Eliane C. Deckman Fleck" HoST–Journal of the History of Science and Technology 11 (2017): 117–119. Full text (PDF).

"Review of The Global City. On the Streets of Renaissance Lisbon, edited by Annemarie Jordan Gschwend and Kate J. P. Lowe." Journal of Jesuit Studies 4 (2017): 462–465. Link(open-access)

"Aristóteles em Coimbra. Um novo livro sobre os Conimbricenses," Brotéria 182 (2016): 201–204. Full text (PDF).

"Review of Jesuit Contribution to Science. A history, by Agustín Udías" Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 168 (2015): 462–465. Full text (PDF).

Biochemistry, Physiology, and Molecular Genetics

Research articles

Simão Filipe Luz, Patthara Kongsuphol, Ana Mendes, Francisco Malta Romeiras, Marisa Sousa, Rainer Schreiber, Paulo Matos, Peter Jordan, Anil Mehta, Margarida Amaral, Karl Kunzelmann and Carlos Farinha, "The Contribution of CK2 and Spleen Tyrosine Kinase (SYK) to CFTR Trafficking and PKA–induced Activity," Molecular and Cellular Biology 31 (22) (2011): 4392–4404. Link.

Patthara Kongsuphol, Diane Cassidy, Francisco Malta Romeiras, Rainer Schreiber, Anil Mehta and Karl Kunzelmann, "Metformin Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Increases the Risk for Pancreatitis in Patients Bearing the CFTR–mutation S573C," Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 25 (2010): 389–396. Link.

© 2021 Francisco Malta Romeiras

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